


Get what you need for free

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How it works

That’s it! Get what you need. Give what you don’t need

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With kids growing you have to renew your full collection every year. With Shapp you need just one and swap from year to year for free

Make space! Give away or lend things you don‘t need

Used staff is still worth. Let others know the value of the items they receive. They will appreciate!

There is no difference between a new and a used game. Either it works or not

We often lend things or money and just forget about it. With our lend function we make sure it comes back

We make sharing useful for everyone

Get whatever you need

Take or rent things without cash with just one click

Safe sharing

You decide by yourself who will become a part of your circle of trust

Shout out for things

If you can not find an item, ask your group with our shout out function for it.

Full control

With archieve and reminder function you have always full control on your sharings

Instant access to items

With every upload of items you earn points and you can instantly use them on Shapp

We are on your side

We want to make your life easy

You get things you need, and you clean up things you don`t need without the hassle of selling and buying stuff on unsafe plattforms and interacting with people you never met before.

We care together about our environment

You give used items a second life and actively contribute to a sustainable economy

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Shapp has received great reviews of its testers!

Your security is our priority

Start sharing with your friends!

It only takes a few minutes to take that first step towards achiving your financial goals.

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